Mumbles Baptist Church

MBC is a friendly church located on the corner of Newton Road and Langland Road in Mumbles, Swansea. We have two services on most Sundays:

  • Morning service at 11am
  • Evening service at 6pm
We're also running Navigators (children's groups) during the morning services in church.

To find us, click here
To contact us, email
Search for Mumbles Baptist Church Swansea

What's on this week (Sun 16 February - Sat 22 February)

Morning Service, 11am Communion Service
Evening Service, 6pm
Chatterbox, 9.15am
Newton Grange 2pm 17 February
Bible Study and Prayer Meeting at the Church, 10.30am
Prayer Meeting, 7pm
Members' Meeting, 7.15pm 19th February
Willow Court (Lets Sing Together) 2pm 19th February
Ladies Fellowship Lunch. Speaker. 12pm 27 February
Mumbles Afternoon Fellowship, 2.30pm
Chatterbox, 9.15am
Bible Reading at the Church, 11:15am

Children's Clubs

At MBC we have a varied programme of clubs and activities to suit children at all ages. For full details, click here.

Webcast catch-up

We record webcasts of services where possible, so you can catch up on any you might have missed. To see a list of webcasts available, click here.


We have a busy programme of meetings on a weekly or monthly basis, including Bible Study, fellowship meetings, Smile craft / coffee mornings, and more.

For full details of all our regular meetings, click here.

General info

The EU has launched the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), which regulates the way organisations manage data. Mumbles Baptist Church has put together a Draft Data Protection Policy - you can download the draft document here.